Album Promotion

Releasing a brand new album is more than laying down tracks and duplicating discs. Our ultimate goal is to build your fan base and get your music in the hands of journalists and taste-makers. In fact, our work actually begins before your album’s finishing touches are completed. In addition to our traditional and new media approach of creating buzz, Beyond Relations employs innovative strategies to ensure you maximum exposure.

Artist Development

Even today’s most dominant chart toppers started out as independent acts with few hits to their credit. Beyond Relations has been instrumental in building and maintaining the images of some of the music industry’s most recognizable talent. We are committed to nurturing your personal style, creativity and growth as an artist and go the distance to propel your career in the right direction.

Local & National Tour Outreach

Whether you have dates booked sporadically, or a full US tour planned, our specialized tour campaigns are designed to alert the media about your upcoming performances in each city. Using our vast database of contacts, our team seeks out features, television and magazine interviews, live reviews and calendar listings while you’re on the road to introduce your music to new markets.